Nptel Course Exam Registration

Because research book output is necessary for income technology, ranking of an establishment of higher learning and international networks for possible collaborations, UNIVEN may journey future instabilities if exam condition persist. Even though there may be several other issues responsible for exam low output, suspicions have been on poor involvement of researchers in analysis publication enterprise of examination University. Whereas this can be true, examination reasons are yet unknown, which motivates examination latest study. exam essence is to unpack issues around examination phenomena with hopes of suggesting intervention measures. An exploratory sequential mixed analysis design was followed. A sample of 32 Masters and PhD scholars was drawn from exam Institute for Rural Development IRD at examination University. a/f elimination, their stomachs, which have been as large as ur’s, back to normal b/c their uteruses lower back to their normal pear shaped size. QUESTION:u/s techs?sorry wrong forum but cant get help elswhere?Pelvis u/s today…?2 weeks ago i had my usual checkup, exam dr said that my left ovary and my uterus were very enlarged, i’ve been having some pain and extremely heavy bleeding. I went for an ultrasound today…exam tech couldnt tell me anything else but she spen about quarter-hour looking at my uterus ans measuring, it looked very dense to me…i didnt see what would seem like fibroids or cysts…my left overy did appear large tho. guessing thats a cyst. What can be going on with me?examination picture i saw just looked almost solid?Any ideas?not preggoQUESTION:pelvic ultrasound today?no answers, need advice. PLEASE ANSWER!U/S techs?2 weeks ago i had my common checkup, exam dr said that my left ovary and my uterus were very enlarged, i’ve been having some pain and very heavy bleeding.