Microalbumin to creatinine ratio in random urine has been introduced as a reliable screening test for diagnosing diabetic nephropathy . Although due to exam risk of decreased kidney function, exam microalbumin to creatinine ratio in diabetic sufferers is less accurate than examination microalbumin in exam 24 hour urine, it kind of feels to be a sensible choice to are expecting kidney issues of a diabetic patient . A study performed by Kevin and his colleagues exhibits that exam ratio of microalbumin to creatinine lacks examination sensitivity and specificity required to detect microalbuminuria in diabetic sufferers, so microalbumin levels are to be measured in examination 24 hour urine . According to a study achieved by Cathie et al. , exam 24 hour urine protein levels can be predicted by examination protein to creatinine ratio results in exam random urine, provided that kidney does not have a high protein discharge, unless it is not possible to supply 24 hour urine sample . This conclusion has been observed in any other study based on which examination size of protein to creatinine ratio in exam random specimen in normal subjects in addition to sufferers with mild to moderate kidney complications can exchange exam 24 hour urine, but it fails to estimate examination amount of proteinuria in sufferers with severe renal ailments .